Introduction Last updated: 2020-05-27

You'll find instructions on how to use MSoftBD's Inventory, Trading, and Accounting software (ITAS). This manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to create, delete, update, and display reports and other alternative menus for creating your company's website and accounting.
In case you cannot find answers to your questions in this manual, feel free to contact us at /

Software Abbreviation

  • ITAS - Inventory, Trading’s & Accounts Software
  • COA - Chart of Accounts
  • A/C - Accounts
  • purch / pur - Purchase
  • perms / perm - Permission
  • Info - Information
  • AVG - Average

Login, Profile, Privilege

You can access MSoftBD's ITAS via the following link only if the software is a trial version (90 days) or your company is registered for a single user (1 year / another period).

But if the software is used in your company's own domain, then you have to enter through the following link.


Enter your Username / Email address and password in the login page. If you have any problems logging in, contact your company manager. Contact MSoftBD Help Desk via

Note: If a user has trouble logging in through the MSoftBD website, he or she will contact the MSoftBD Help Desk. Otherwise, it is requested to contact the company administrator/anyone who maintains the software.

Profile (Edit Profile, Activity Logs & Sign out)

The image will be released later.

When you're working, the user profile () is located at the top right of your dashboard menu (or on another page) / at the bottom of the side menu (). Your user privilege is automatically linked to your login accessibility. What kind of work you do / what menu you enter / what kind of report you see is determined by user privileges. All the elements that are displayed in the side navigation and top menu are also associated with the privileges of the user. User privileges can only be changed by the system administrator and software developer team. When you click on the user icon, a pull-down menu will appear where you will find many menu functions including sign out. Here you can also change your password with personal information, you can view your login activity & download to CSV file.

Note: Always close the session using the sign-out menu; Just don't close the browser. If you just close the browser and leave maybe your colleagues continue to work within a certain period of time without your permission under your session; due to which you may face many problems. However, if the mouse is idle during your work, the session will be automatically signed-out after 25/30 minutes. But even then you have maintained your caution.

Privileges in user roles

Icon with operation function Icon with permission
Create View Update Delete / Inactive Yes No
User Role
Administrator Authority Branch Head Operator Report Viewer Web Maintainer
Software System Menu (Main Menu Section)
User Account
Member Type
Chart Of Accounts Menu
Group Type
COA List
Fixed COA List
Transaction Section
Mart Order
Daily Journal
Contra Journal
Debit Voucher
Credit Voucher
Purch. Return
Sales Return
Report Section
Account Report
Trading Report
Inventory Report
Other Report
Software Settings / Export
Update DB
Perms. levels
Transfer Code
Data Export
Web Page Design Section
Contacts Page
Company Info.

*multiple dashboards.


The image will be released later.

The page that appears after the user logs in is called the dashboard. This page provides a brief company accounts-relate report under different headings for the convenience of the user. Each displayed report has 5 timelines. When you click on the context menu () you will see that timeline in the pull-down menu and if you change your timeline the report will be displayed accordingly. Through this timeline, users will be able to see the expected report and understand the difference between how much has increased and decreased with the previous data according to the timeline. The timelines are: (1) so far today, (2) yesterday vs. one day last week, (3) last 7 days vs. previous 7 days, (4) last 28 days vs. previous 28 days, & (5) last 3 months vs. previous 3 months.

Dashboard Overview Data Information

Type of Dashboard Type the display data with the section title
Data: Numerical Figure
Dashboard In General[3] (1) AVG. Time on site (2) Session By Device (3) Session By Browser
(4) Number of Product (5) Number of Member (6) Revenue Today
(7) Income (8) Expenditure (9) Data Space Info
(10) Receivable Amount (11) Received Amount (12) Payable Amount
(13) Paid Amount (14) Purchase Amount (15) Sales Amount
(15) Sales Amount (17) Sales Return Amount (18) Cash-In-Hand
(19) Cash-At-Bank (20) Profit (21) Balance
(22) Number of Mart-Man (23) Mart-Order Amount (24) Mart-Order Approve
(25) Mart-Order Pending (26) Mart-Order Canceled (27) Mart-Order Collection
Admin /
Operator [4]
Data: Table Figure
(1) 10 Current Stock (2) 10 Dues Statements (3) Receivable-Received
(4) Payable-Paid (5) Recent Purchase (6) Recent Sales
(7) Recent Rurchase Return (8) Recent Sales (9) Recent Journal
(10) Mart-Order (Approved, Canceled, Pending Filtering) (11) Notification
In General [3] Data: Chart & Graph
(1) Balance Bar Chart (2) Profit/Loss Bar Chart (3) Income-Expenses Chart
(4) Mart Order Chart (5) Challan (Sales, Purch, Sales & Purch. Return) Chart
(6) Product Stock Pie (7) Member Balance Pie/Bar (8) Payable-Paid Chart
(9) Recent Journal (10) Overview Performance (Earnings, Sessions, Devices, etc.)
Web Dashboard Maintainer Data: Chart & Graphs With Numerical Figure
(1) Notification (2) Chat UI / Message UI (3) Contact Section
(4) Top References (5) AVG. Time on site (6) Session By Device
(7) Session By Browser (8) Top Page View (9) Space Information

Note 3: Some of the information in the table above is not displayed at the operator level and some information is displayed individually to the administrator. However, the website maintainer is not allowed to provide such information. But if you have any choice, you can change this information yourself and contact us at:

Note 4: All information in the table above is displayed at the operator/admin level; Some information is also displayed to the administrator and some parts are not displayed. However, the website maintainer is not allowed to provide such information. But if you have any choice, you can change this information yourself and contact us at:

Branch Section

This section is necessary if a company has many branches. But there is no need for this section if the company is managed by a single branch and there is no possibility of creating any branch in the future plan. So this section will only be needed if you want to work through the branch and view the report by branch. The section is divided into two parts. One is to create new branches and the other is to view branch information.

If a company operates an account through MSFTBD's own site, there is no need for a branch because a company is controlled by a single branch. But, you can create branches according to the type of software you have chosen in your domain; However you will be allowed to create as many branches as possible.

Create Branch

In order to create a branch, click on the New Branch (Branch Section -> New Branch); Then a branch form like the image below will open.

The image will be released later.

Figure 4.1: Image of newly created and edited branch form.

Here you can:

Code: Enter Code of New Branch [This code is generated automatically. But you can write as you wish]
Name: Enter Name of New Branch
Address: Enter Address of New Branch
Manager: Enter Manager Name of New Branch
Phone Number: Enter Manager Phone Number of New Branch [number must be 11]
e-Mail Address: Enter e-Mail Address of New Branch

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Update Branch

Select the branch you want to modify from the list of branches and click on the context correction icon (). An update form similar to Figure 4.1 will open; Here you can change all the information.

Click the [ Update] button to confirm your changes, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Branch List

The image will be released later.

Figure 4.2: Image of branch list.

Here is a list of the branches. If you want to correct incomplete imforamtion / errors in the branch data than click the Update icon from the Settings column; You will see an update form as shown in Figure 4.1; And if you want to delete the branch, click on the delete icon (); As a result, your branch will be deleted. If you want to download your branch information in CSV format; click on the settings icon () to the right of the branch list then click on the data export information.

User Accounts

An organization can have many branches that require many types of users. Or if the size of the organization is large than many types of users are needed under one branch. In general, this software has 5 types of users. However, if the web settings / design and marketing level orders are combined with this software then 5 more types of users will be added. Only organization administrators and software developers can view all types of users and create new types of users. However, branch admin and sub-admin can create operators, report viewer for their branches. There are 10 types of users in this software: (1). Authority (2). Admin (3). Sub Admin (4). Super Admin (5). Super Reporter (6). Branch Reporter (7). General operator (8). Super Operator (9). Maintenance (Administrator) (10). Maintenance (operator). The user menu is divided into two parts, one is to create a new user and the other is to user accounts list.

Create an user accounts

In order to create an user accounts, click on the New user account (user information Section > New user); Then a user account form like the image below will open.

The image will be released later.

Figure 5.1: Image of newly created and edited user account form.

Here you can:

Name: Enter the username or full name of the user.
Phone number: Enter the 11-digit phone number that the user uses.
e-Mail Address: Enter the correct e-mail address that the user always uses.
Username: Enter the username through which the user can access the software [the user can also access his e-mail address], but the name must be unique and at least 5 to 18 alphanumeric and no space allowed.
Password: Enter the user"s confidential password. The password must be 1 to upper case and lower case, 8 to 32 alphanumeric key with any number and special key.
Branch: Specify which branch the user belongs to.
Type: Specify the type of user. Its user privileges will be created accordingly.

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Update user accounts

Select the users you want to modify from the list of users list and click on the context correction icon (icon). An update form similar to Figure 5.1 will open; Here you can change some specific information:
Branch: Specify which branch the user belongs to.
Type: Specify the type of user. Its user privileges will be created accordingly.
Status: Whether user account will be enabled / disabled.

Click the [ Update] button to confirm your changes, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

User accounts list

The image will be released later.

Figure 5.2: Image of user account list.

Here is a list of user accounts. If you want to correct incomplete information/errors in user data, click the update icon in that row from the settings column. In Figure 5.1 you will see an update form similar to what you are seeing; In some cases, a new field may be added/omitted from that form. If you want to delete user accounts, click the delete icon (icon) in that row from the Settings column. As a result, your user accounts will be deleted. If you want to download user account information according to your branch in CSV format, click the Settings icon (icon) to the right of the list of user accounts, then click Data Export Information.

If a transaction / other category is created by that user, that user cannot be deleted. First, you must delete all transactions created by that user, then you can delete that user.

Member Section

Working with members is essential for a business organization. This section is very important. In this section, we will know how many types of members can be created, how to create all those members, view the list according to the type of members, as well as how to export / import multiple members, when and why it is used in advanced filtering.

Member Type

The software works on 7 types of members: (1) Customer (2) Vendor/Supplier (3) Bank (4) Debtor/Creditor (5) Employee (Mart-Man, Office-Man, & Delivery-Man, Other) (6) Flying Customer (7) Flying Vendor/Supplier. Of these 7 types of members, the first 5 types of members are celled primary members and the remaining 2 types are called secondary members. Due to which the word flying is attached before the secondary members. Primary members are created first for the convenience of work but secondary members cannot be created. If the primary member (vendor/customer) is not found at the time of purchase / sale of any product but the product is of purchase / sale by the information of that member, so this member is called the second member (flying vendor/flying customer). So it can be said that this software uses these 7 types of members to create reports and manage transactions. Each member is identified by a specific code. In general, these codes are unique and the first number of codes starts with a specific number to differentiate each code member by type. As a result, the code shows what kind of member it is. Below are some examples:

Member Type Section Member Information Section
Name Stated Code Code Member Name With Side Bar Color Code
Employee 1 10001 Test Employee Name
Customer 2 20001 Test Customer Name
Vendor 3 30001 Test Vendor Name
Bank 4 40001 Test Bank Name
Debtors/Creditors 5 50001 Test Debtors/Creditors Name
Flying Customer FC FC0001 Test Flying Customer Name
Flying Vendor FV Fv0001 Test Flying Vendor Name
However, there is no restriction to start with this prescribed code. You can do it any other way.

Create Member

Member forms differ due to differences in member type. 3 types of member forms are created for the primary members. How to use these 3 types of member forms is discussed in detail in the following sections:

New Bank

In order to create bank accounts, click on the New bank (Member Category > Create a Member > New Bank); Then a bank form like the image below will open:

The image will be released later.

Figure 6.1: Image of newly created and edited bank form.

Here you can:

Code: Enter a unique code of your choice. You can start this code with 4 to understand what kind of member it is. Although this code is generated automatically, you can create your preferred code.
Account Name: Enter the name of your bank account.
Account Number: Enter your bank account number.
Bank Name and Branch: Enter your bank name and branch address.
Show as: Select the branch to which this bank account will be displayed.
Comment: Write here if you have any comments about the bank account.

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

New Customer, Vendor/Supplier, Debtor-Creditor

Customer, Vendor / Supplier, Debtor-Creditor these 3 types of member forms are the same. So the rules for filling up the customer form are shown. In order to create customer, click on the New Customer (Member Category > Create a Member > New Customer); Then a customer form like the image below will open:

The image will be released later.

Figure 6.2: Image of newly created and edited customer, vendor/supplier, debtor-creditor form.

Here you can:

Code: Enter a unique code of your choice. You can start this code with 2 to understand what kind of member it is. Although this code is generated automatically, you can create your preferred code.
Name: Enter your customer`s name.
Proprietor / Reference: Enter your customer`s Proprietor / Reference.
Grade: Enter customer`s grade.
Manager Name: Enter customer`s manager name.
NID: Enter customer`s national ID number.
Phone Number: Enter the 11-digit phone numbers that the customer`s always used.
Address: Enter customer address.
E-mail Address: Enter the e-mail address that the customer`s always used.
Group: Enter customer`s group.
Category: Enter customer`s category.
Sub-Category: Enter customer`s sub-category.
Area: Enter customer`s area.
Zone: Enter customer`s zone.
Employee ID.: Select the employee ID under which the customer will work/display.
Show as: Select which branch the customer will display.
Comment: If you have comments / any additional information, write them here.

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

New Employee Without Mart-Man

In order to create employee, click on the New Employee (Member Category > Create a Member > New Employee); Then a employee form like the image below will open:

The image will be released later.

Figure 6.3: Image of newly created and edited employee form.

Here you can:

Code: Enter a unique code of your choice. You can start this code with 1 to understand what kind of member it is. Although this code is generated automatically, you can create your preferred code.
Name: Enter the employee`s name.
Father`s Name: Enter the employee`s father`s name. / Reference.
Mother`s Name: Enter the employee`s mother`s name.
Gender: Select employee`s gender.
Spouse Name: Enter employee`s spouse name.
NID: Enter the employee`s national ID number.
Date of Birth: Select the employee`s date of birth.
Type: Select the type of employee. [See section 7.3.4 (new mart-man) if the employee is a Mart-Man].
Designation: Enter the employee`s designation.
Phone Number: Enter the 11-digit phone number that the employee`s always used.
Address: Enter employee`s address.
E-mail Address: Enter the e-mail address that the employee`s always used.
Show as: Select which branch the employee will display.
Comment: If you have comments / any additional information, write them here.

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

New Employee With Mart-Man

This section is for companies who want to pre-order products at the field level through Mart-Man. Otherwise, you will see Section 7.3.3 (new employee) The image you see in figuer 6.3 will not change, but you will need to add 4 additional data about Mart-Man, as you can see in the picture.

The image will be released later.

Figure 6.4: Image of newly created and edited employee with mart-man form.

Here you can:

Mart Man ID: Here Mart Man ID will be generated automatically. This ID is unique because it is related to the employee`s code.
Mart Sales Group: Select the type of product group that the Mart employee can pre-order.
Product List: Select what kind of product the Mart-Man can pre-order.
Target Limit: Enter the mart-man`s target order limit.

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Update Member Info

Select the member you want to modify from the list of members list and click on the context correction icon (icon). An update form similar to Figure 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 will open. You can change member all information. But a new field will be added to the forms:

Status: Whether user account will be enabled / disabled.

Only a little different rule for mart-man. The list of members is divided into two parts. The first is a list of all members and the second is a list of Mart-Man. You can enable/disable their account via the Mart-Man list status column. If you want to update the Mart-Man information, select the Mart-Man from the list of all members and update that mart-man.However Mart-Man will be able to change their information through their Dashboard Profile section.

This rule is only for those who want to pre-order at the field level, the feature has to be added separately.

Members List

The image will be released later.

Figure 6.5: Image of member list.

Here you can see the list of all types of members. If you want to correct incomplete information/errors in member data, click the update icon in that row from the settings column. In Figure 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 you will see an update form similar to what you are seeing; In some cases, a new field may be added/omitted from that form. If you want to delete member information, click the delete icon (icon) in that row from the Settings column. As a result, your member will be deleted. If you want to download member information according to your branch in CSV format, click the Settings icon (icon) to the right of the list of member, then click Data Export Information. In this list of members, their initial information is shown through some columns. However, if you want to see all the information of that member at once, click on the name of that member / click on the view icon (icon) in the settings column. Clicking will see a pop-up model where you will see all the information created by that member. you can see 7 types of members in the same list. For ease of understanding, these 7 types of members are separated by type columns And when you look at the code column you will see the side of the code column showing different colors that change according to the member type (look at Member Type).

If a transaction / other category is created by that member, that member cannot be deleted. First, you must delete all transactions created by that member, then you can delete that member.

Member Export/Import, Print with Advanced Filtering

The image will be released later.

Figure 6.6: Image of member list icon menu.

There are 5 types of icons in the image above. Below are the descriptions of the above icons:
1. -> You can reload your table.
2. -> You can filter your own table.
3. -> You can see the page guide about the located page.
4. -> Use it if you need to print information from your table.
5. -> You can export / import your data.
These options are explained in detail below:

Custom filter option

The image will be released later.

Figure 6.7: Image of member custom filter.

You can customize the table to suit your needs through this Filter Model pop-up dialog box (Customized Filter). Clicking on the filter icon will bring up a customized filter dialog box. You will see some selection option in the dialog box that will help you to creating your customize table lists. In general these selection options based on user privileges. If you want to create your own customizable table, select your preferred options and click the Filter button to display the table you created.

Description of the general selection options in the Member Customized Filters dialog box:

Member Type: Select the type of member you want to view.
Show as: Select the type you want to view as (in this branch / all branches, etc.).
Created by: Select the user who created member.

Print Option

The image will be released later.

Figure 6.8: Image of member print option.

If you want to print your members list, click the Print button and you`ll see some default menus. These menus have been created according to the rules of the user. The printing menu and the printing format are default made by the software company. Contact us if you want to customize your printing menu and printing format.

Import Member List

This section is being updated so this section will be discussed later. Otherwise, contact us if you would like to work on this section.

Products Section

Inventory and trading software is basically related about buying and selling products. So in this section, you will get detailed idea about how to create your product / how to group a product according to this software / etc. This section is divided into 5 sections. Below is a list of some of the product examples and discussed in detail in the section:

SL Brand Category Group Model Product Name
1. Pilot Stationay & Art Ballpoint Pen Rexgrip Pilot Rexgrip Ballpoint Pen [BRG-10]
2. Mi Laptop Notebook Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air m3-8100Y 12.5’’ FHD Golden Color Laptop

Product Brand

The list you see in Section 7.1 contains a brand column which means that in general each product is identified by brand. For example, there are many types of pens in Bangladesh but the pens have been introduced through its brands / companies name (Matador / Linc / Good Luck). So separate the brands of all the products that your company has and create a brand list in the software otherwise you will not get the brand list when you create the product. That why first you have to can create your brand before creating a product. As a result of brand differences, you will be able to search a specific product by brand among many of your company's products. If your company does not have a product brand; by default, the software has already created a brand with other name.

Create Brand

In order to create brand, click on the New brand (Product Section > Brand > New Brand); Then a brand form like the image below will open:

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.1: Image of newly created and edited brand form.

Here you can:

Code: Enter a unique code of your choice. You can start this code with 4 to understand what kind of member it is. Although this code is generated automatically, you can create your preferred code.
Account Name: Enter the name of your bank account.
Account Number: Enter your bank account number.
Bank Name and Branch: Enter your bank name and branch address.
Show as: Select the branch to which this bank account will be displayed.
Comment: Write here if you have any comments about the bank account.

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Update Brand

Select the brand you want to modify from the list of brands list and click on the context correction icon (icon). An update form similar to Figure 8.2.1 will open. You can change brand all information.

Click the [ Update] button to confirm your changes, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Brand List

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.2: Image of brand list.

Here is a list of Brand. If you want to correct incomplete information/errors in brand data, click the update icon in that row from the settings column. In Figure 8.2.2 you will see an update form similar to what you are seeing; In some cases, a new field may be added/omitted from that form. If you want to delete brand, click the delete icon (icon) in that row from the Settings column. As a result, your brand will be deleted. If the status of a brand in the list is inactive, the letters in the row will be red. If you want to download brand information according to your branch in CSV format, click the Settings icon (icon) to the right of the list of brand, then click Data Export Information.

If a challan / product is created by that brand, that brand cannot be deleted. First, you must delete all challan/product created by that brand, then you can delete that brand.

Import Brand

This section is being updated so this section will be discussed later. Otherwise, contact us if you would like to work on this section.

Product Category

The list you see in Section 8.1 contains a category column, which means the brand may have products in a specific category. For example, the MI brand has products in the Laptop / Mobile / AirPods category and as the Apple brand has products in the same category. Separate the brand categories of all the products in your company and create a category list in the software otherwise you will not get the category list when creating the product. So before creating the product you need to create your brand category first. As a result of creating brand categories, you will be able to differentiate the product specified by brand and category among the many products in your company. If your company does not have a product category; by default, the software has already created a model with other name.

Create Category

In order to create category, click on the New category (Product Section > category > New category); Then a category form like the image below will open:

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.3: Image of newly created and edited product category form.

Here you can:

Name: Enter your category name.
Status: Whether the brand will be active/inactive.
Show as: Select which branch the category will appear in.
As Top: Select whether the category will appear at the top (Yes/NO).

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Update Category

Select the category you want to modify from the list of categorys list and click on the context correction icon (icon). An update form similar to Figure 8.3.1 will open. You can change category all information.

Click the [ Update] button to confirm your changes, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Category List

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.4: Image of category list.

Here is a list of category. If you want to correct incomplete information/errors in category data, click the update icon in that row from the settings column. In Figure 8.3.1 you will see an update form similar to what you are seeing; In some cases, a new field may be added/omitted from that form. If you want to delete category, click the delete icon (icon) in that row from the Settings column. As a result, your category will be deleted. If the status of a category in the list is inactive, the letters in the row will be red. If you want to download category information according to your branch in CSV format, click the Settings icon (icon) to the right of the list of category, then click Data Export Information.

If a challan / product is created by that category, that category cannot be deleted. First, you must delete all challan/product created by that category, then you can delete that category.

Import Category

This section is being updated so this section will be discussed later. Otherwise, contact us if you would like to work on this section.

Product Group

The list you see in Section 8.1 contains group columns, which means there may be groups with product categories. For example, the MI brand has laptops in the Redmi Book, Redmi Book Air, Game Book, Notebook series, and other groups in the mobile categories. Separate all product groups in your organization and create a group list in the software otherwise you will not get the group list when creating the product. So before creating the product you need to create your product group first. As a result of creating product groups, you'll be able to differentiate specific products by brand, category, and group among many of your company's products. If your company does not have a product group; by default, the software has already created a model with other name.

Create Group

In order to create group, click on the New group (Product Section > group > New group); Then a group form like the image below will open:

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.5: Image of newly created and edited product group form.

Here you can:

Name: Enter your group name.
Status: Whether the brand will be active/inactive.
Show as: Select which branch the group will appear in.
As Top: Select whether the group will appear at the top (Yes/NO).

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Update Group

Select the group you want to modify from the list of groups list and click on the context correction icon (icon). An update form similar to Figure 8.3.1 will open. You can change group all information.

Click the [ Update] button to confirm your changes, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Group List

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.6: Image of group list.

Here is a list of group. If you want to correct incomplete information/errors in group data, click the update icon in that row from the settings column. In Figure 8.3.1 you will see an update form similar to what you are seeing; In some cases, a new field may be added/omitted from that form. If you want to delete group, click the delete icon (icon) in that row from the Settings column. As a result, your group will be deleted. If the status of a group in the list is inactive, the letters in the row will be red. If you want to download group information according to your branch in CSV format, click the Settings icon (icon) to the right of the list of group, then click Data Export Information.

If a challan / product is created by that group, that group cannot be deleted. First, you must delete all challan/product created by that group, then you can delete that group.

Import Group

This section is being updated so this section will be discussed later. Otherwise, contact us if you would like to work on this section.

Product Model

The list you see in Section 8.1 contains model columns, which means there may be groups with product categories. For example, the HP brand AMD series HP15S-E1111A U or ProBook series HP ProBook 450G7 model laptops. Separate all product models of your company and create a model list in the software otherwise you will not get a list of models when creating the product. So before creating the product you first need to create the model of your product. As a result of creating product models, you will be able to differentiate specific products by brand, category, group and model among many of your company's products. If your company does not have a product model; by default, the software has already created a model with other name.

Create Model

In order to create model, click on the New group (Product Section > model > New model); Then a model form like the image below will open:

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.7: Image of newly created and edited product model form.

Here you can:

Name: Enter your group name.
Status: Whether the brand will be active/inactive.
Show as: Select which branch the group will appear in.
As Top: Select whether the group will appear at the top (Yes/NO).

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Update Model

Select the model you want to modify from the list of models list and click on the context correction icon (icon). An update form similar to Figure 8.5.1 will open. You can change model all information.

Click the [ Update] button to confirm your changes, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Model List

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.8: Image of group list.

Here you will see a list of all types of products. If you want to correct incomplete data / errors in product data, click the Update icon in that product row from the Settings column. You will see an update form similar to what you are seeing in Figure 6.6.2, 8.6.3; In some cases a new field may be added / omitted from the form. If you want to delete the product, click the Delete icon (icon) in that row from the Settings column . As a result, your product will be deleted. If you want to download all the product information according to your branch in CSV format, click on the settings icon (icon) to the right of the product list then click on Data Export. Their initial information in this list of products is shown through a few columns. But if you want to see all the information of that product at once, click on the name of that product / click on the view icon (icon) in the settings column. Clicking on it will bring up a pop-up model dialog box where you will see all the information created by that product. If the status of any of the products on the list is inactive, the letters in the row will be red

If a challan / product is created by that model, that model cannot be deleted. First, you must delete all challan/product created by that model, then you can delete that model.

Import Model

This section is being updated so this section will be discussed later. Otherwise, contact us if you would like to work on this section.

Create Product

Create products after creating brands, categories, groups, models of your company's products. However, you can create products if your company's products do not have categories, groups, brands, or models; This can make it difficult to search for products and show reports because all products have to be saved in other brands, other groups, other models, in other categories so be careful when saving your product. The product form is divided into two parts due to the difference between the price of the product and the discount system. Forms are discussed in detail:

In order to create product, click on the New product (Product Section > product > New product); Then a product form like the image below will open:

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.9: Image of newly created and edited product form.

Here you can:

Code: Enter your product code.
Brand: Select the brand of the product.
Category: Select product category.
Group: Select product group.
Model: Select product Model.
Name and Unit: Enter the product name and select the product unit.
Description: Enter here if the product is split into any other parts.
Purchase price: Enter the purchase price of the product. [This price will always be mentioned when creating purchase / Sales return invoice]
Sales Price (MRP): Enter the selling price of the product. [This price will always  be mentioned when createing a sales / purchase return invoice]
Status: Whether the product will be active / inactive.
Show as: Select the branch on which the product will be displayed.
Description: If you have any other information about the product, write here. [This will only be needed if your company`s website is e-commerce].

If you need to make an automatic discount when creating an invoice, you will need to fill in ৩ additional information when creating the product. You will see a form similar to Figure, but 3 new fields will be added as shown in the figure below.

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.10: Image of newly created and edited product With discount form.

Here you can:

TP Price: Enter the TP core of your product.
TP Discount: Enter the TP discount of your product.
MRP Discount: Enter the MRP discount of your product.

Clicking [ Save] confirms your input, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Update Product

Select the model you want to modify from the list of models list and click on the context correction icon (icon). An update form similar to Figure ৮.৬.২, ৮.৬.৩ will open. You can change model all information.

Click the [ Update] button to confirm your changes, there you will see a success message on a green background and you will return to the view list or stay there.

Product List

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.11: Image of products list.

Here you will see a list of all types of products. If you want to correct incomplete data / errors in product data, click the Update icon in that product row from the Settings column. You will see an update form similar to what you are seeing in Figure 6.6.2, 8.6.3; In some cases a new field may be added / omitted from the form. If you want to delete the product, click the Delete icon (icon) in that row from the Settings column . As a result, your product will be deleted. If you want to download all the product information according to your branch in CSV format, click on the settings icon (icon) to the right of the product list then click on Data Export. Their initial information in this list of products is shown through a few columns. But if you want to see all the information of that product at once, click on the name of that product / click on the view icon (icon) in the settings column. Clicking on it will bring up a pop-up model dialog box where you will see all the information created by that product. If the status of any of the products on the list is inactive, the letters in the row will be red

If an invoice is created by that product, that product cannot be deleted. First, you must delete all triggers created by that product, then you can delete that product.

Product Export/Import, Print with Advance Filtering

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.12: Image of products list icon menu.

There are 5 types of icons in the image above. Below are the descriptions of the above icons:
1. -> You can reload your table.
2. -> You can filter your own table.
3. -> You can see the page guide about the located page.
4. -> Use it if you need to print information from your table.
5. -> You can export / import your data.
These options are explained in detail below:

Custom filter option

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.13: Image of products custom filter.

YYou can customize the table according to your needs through this filter model pop-up dialog box (customized filter-product). Clicking on the Filter icon will bring up a Customized Filter dialog box. You will see some selection options in the dialog box that will help you customize the lists in your table. These selection options are based on user rights. If you want to create your own customizable table, select your preferred options and click the Filter button to display the table you created. A description of all the common selection options in the Product customized Filter dialog box:

Brand: Select the category of product you want to view.
Category: Select the category of product you want to view.
Group: Select the group of products you want to view.
Model: Se: Select the model of the product you want to view.
Date: Select the date if you want to see the product according to the date on which the product was made.
Show as: Select the type you want to view as (in this branch / all branches etc.).
Created: Select the user who created the products।

Print Option

The image will be released later.

Figure 7.14: Image of products print option.

If you want to print your products list, click the Print button and you`ll see some default menus. These menus have been created according to the rules of the user. The printing menu and the printing format are default made by the software company. Contact us if you want to customize your printing menu and printing format.

Import Model

This section is being updated so this section will be discussed later. Otherwise, contact us if you would like to work on this section.